Monday, April 8, 2024



ABOUT THE BLOGGER Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger ( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the aboveunderlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several
certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and
international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life
Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA.
Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University, in USA.
“I want to disclose to you without any reservation that your behavior these days is like that of a scoundrel. You don’t respect your parents as you used to, when I had not got married. You have been quite disobedient to your parents. When they assign you any duty, you decline.
“When they send you to any particular place, you disobey. I hear
that you just look at them and say that you are no longer a little girl
to be sent anyhow. Sometimes you even go to an extent of abusing
them. Several people have informed me that you even have the courage and folly of telling them that they never gave birth to you. Shame on you, Felistus!
“I have heard that one day you kicked your father when he was
drunk and when your mother asked you why you did so, you fumed and told her that you could as well fix her! Why have you decided to be so unruly and disrespectful to your parents? This is a real abomination. God forbid.
“Take care otherwise your parents will curse you. You better joke with me or any other person rather than joking with your parents. Do you hear, Felistus? I hear that you go to town every day to hunt for a husband. Do you think husbands are hunted for, like wild game?
“Felistus my sister, you are too young but you are busy ruining
your life. If you want to get a good husband, please stay at home
and the right husband will come your way one of these days. Men
know where good girls live and therefore, stay at home and obey
your parents, my dear sister.”
Okay, you can go home now.”
“Vilomena Mukenu, that is what I told my sister. However, she
only paid a deaf ear to me. She has become notorious these days
and everybody gossips about her. What can I do, Vilomena? Tell
your husband to stop drinking the local brew which has already
claimed the lives of many young and old men in our village.
“Haven’t you witnessed several cases in our village, of men who
have died prematurely, and they have left their families suffering?
Tell him openly that these days, kaluvu is the number one killer of
men who have become chronic drunkards in Kasokolo village. If he
doesn’t refrain from this deadly habit, he will be buried soon.
“Try your best and let him listen to your advice. If he doesn’t listen to you, threaten him by telling him that you will leave his home and go back to your parents. If you don’t devise ways and means of controlling your husband, he will die soon, like his grandfather.
“Tell him that it won’t take long before he finds himself drinking
kaluvu with his grandfather in the grave or in hell!”
“Vilomena Mukenu my wife, what shall I do? Hold me please.
Drunkenness is killing me! Vilomena Mukenu, what did you cook for me today? Open for me please. It is very cold outside here. It is drizzling. Open for me before I am soaked by the rain. Open for me
quickly or else I break this door.
“Hurry up! What are you waiting for? I will vomit on this door if you don’t open. My wife Vilomena, can’t you open for me please so that I can tell you how many liters of kaluvu I drunk today! Vilomena my beloved wife, are you fast asleep or you are still awake?
“I know I am a good for nothing husband, but please wake up
and open for me. I am dying of cold outside here. If you don’t open
for me, I will sleep outside here. But the darkness is so intense. How do you expect me to sleep outside like a dog while you are sleeping in my bed?
“Do you know how much it cost me to build this house? I spent
fifty thousand shillings to build it. That was a lot of money during
those days. Those were the days when I never drunk kaluvu so
heavily as I do nowadays. Those were the days when I would only
drink kaluvu of one jar and feel okay.
“These days, unless I drink kaluvu of twenty liters, I cannot regard myself as Joseph Kakumbi, son of Ituuli. My wife VilomenaMukenu, how inconsiderate are you? Open for me please. Will you just wait and see me die of hunger and cold while you are sleeping comfortably in my bed?
“By the way Vilomena, why are you behaving as if you are my
mistress? Can’t you even wake up and give me food through the
window if you don’t want me to get in? Don’t be so insensitive
Vilomena. I married you for a purpose, do you hear? So, wake up
and give me some food to eat. I am very hungry.
“If you give me food that is all I need from you. Even if you don’t
allow me to come inside, I don’t care, provided I get the food. I can
sleep outside here until tomorrow morning. Nothing can harm me
when I am outside here. Men are not cowards like you women.
“I know if you were in the situation I am in now, you could be weeping and crying. Can’t you open for me or give me some food, Vilomena? What kind of woman are you? I have never dealt with such a difficult woman like you in my lifetime.
“Men of Kasokolo village, let me ask you a few questions. Are
your wives like my wife Vilomena Mukenu? Do they treat you as she
treats me? She says that a drunkard only wastes food instead of eating it. So she would better give her food to a dog rather than
giving it to a drunkard!
“Do your wives do the same thing to you? When I ask her to make some tea, she tells me to wash the sufuria. If I dare ask her the reason why I should wash a sufuria when she can do so, she normally slaps my cheek and then I give her the other one to slap as the Bile says. (If someone slaps your left cheek, give him your right one also to slap.)
“She calls me an orphan and a bastard. She goes ahead and tells
me that my mother and father were great enemies to each other when they were alive. She tells me that my mother was a lazy woman who could not even go to the river to fetch some water for her husband, for washing his body.
“She tells me that kaluvu will kill me soon, the way it killed my grandfather Kamwendya. Do your wives tell you the same thing my
fellow friends? May the gods which influenced me to start drinking
kaluvu curse me! Let the parents who bore me, curse me. The
woman who bewitched me hit me with the full weight of her kiondo
of witchcraft.
“Kamwendya my dead grandfather, why did you teach me how to
indulge myself into drinking kaluvu so heavily before you died? Drinking has now become a degrading habit to me. My dead mother and father, why did you curse me? What offense did I commit to you in order to deserve this harsh life?
“You should have revealed it to me so that I could apologize before you died. Your curse is now devastating my life completely. Oh my God, you who created me, why did you give me Vilomena Mukenu as my wife? She has now ceased to be a friendly wife. She is more of an enemy than a friend.
“She never gives me food. She never washes my clothes when
they become dirty. She never talks to me politely. She says that I am old and useless. She never looks at me. If she happens to talk to me, she does so while looking at a different direction as if she is
talking to a dog.
“She says that my clothes are dirty and tattered and that I stink
like a dead carcass. When I ask her for tea, she tells me that drunkards never take two types of drinks. She regards that as mere wastage of resources. She tells me to stop drinking kaluvu if I want tea, but I cannot stop it no matter what she says.
“Where on earth is the woman who bewitched me hiding? Why
did you decide to thrust the whole weight of your sorcery upon me?
You uttered your destructive words against me by saying: “You
good for nothing Joseph Kakumbi, I will smite you with the spirit of drunkenness, the way I bewitched your grandfather!
“You will die a useless man the way he died. You will never achieve anything in this life as long as you live.” My parents
never warned me at any one given time that the trail of drunkenness is a slippery and a bad one. So, it is not my fault. If your son takes someone’s property and you fail to rebuke him, he will continue with that bad practice.
“I was never cautioned by any of my parents that kaluvu is a
lethal drink. So, I will continue drinking up to hell or heaven.
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