Saturday, April 6, 2024



 Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger ( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the aboveunderlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several
certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and
international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life
Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA.
Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University, in USA.
When I am in bed and fast asleep, my wife thrusts her delicate
hands into my pockets and takes away all the money I have. When I
dare ask her the following morning where my money is, she becomes
wild and tells me that I didn't come home with any money.
Vilomena Mukenu, do you think this is the way the other wives
treat their husbands? You are treating me like a dog, please. Dogs
are even treated better sometimes. Have you forgotten the words in
the Bible which say, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the
Lord.” Vilomena, it seems to me that you have forgotten these
divine words and the vows you made in the church, in the name of
Jesus Christ and said, “I have accepted Joseph Kakumbi Ituuli from today and onwards, to be my only husband. I shall live with him
until death parts us. I pronounce these words before the Lord Jesus
Christ and the witnessing congregation in this church.” But now, Vilomena my wife, you no longer respect and stick to the vows you made. Why do you give me cold food and when I ask you to warm it for me, you tell me to ask my dead mother to come back to life and warm it for me?
I didn't marry you so that you can treat me so inhumanly. You have completely ceased to be the wife I had in my dreams. When I ask you to prepare me a cup of tea, you tell me that drunkards don't take tea. Don't I buy sugar and every other necessary commodity for you?
Vilomena Mukenu my beloved wife and my only hope, why do you treat me so unfairly? A good wife should not treat her husband so cruelly. Why do you call me a good for nothing husband when I am drunk?
 If I am good for nothing, why did you accept me as your husband? If you hate me because I am a drunkard, I am sorry to tell you
that I cannot stop drinking, come what may. Jesus Christ our Lord, did you admonish us not to have
misunderstandings with our wives? Our almighty Lord, you know very well that two axes put in the same bag must hit each other.
Oh! Lord! If it is not good to quarrel with my wife Vilomena, please
send one of your angels or the Holy Spirit to come to me at night
when I am asleep and tell me:
“You, Joseph Kakumbi, son of Ituuli, you are following a very
dangerous trend by drinking a lot of kaluvu(local brew) and
consequently you quarrel with your wife. That is not good at all.
Joseph, didn’t you vow when you got married in the holy church of
God? Was that not the time when you opened your own mouth and
said, “I have left Satan with all his enticements completely. I shall never go back to him either for any help or refuge. Instead, I have chosen Jesus Christ to be my personal savior. Let the words I
have spoken be a cure to my heart but not a basis of judgment to me.
If you send your angel to come and say such words to me, my Lord, I
swear not by earth or by heaven that I will obey your words.
I will never offend you again. I shall always try my best to be holy
before you. I will not be a pretender like that friend of mine, Peter
Musyoki Wenzelele. He always carries his big Bible every Sunday
and goes to church, but he has a store of sins in his heart. Condemn
him! Condemn him before Jesus Christ comes for the second time and say."
You wrongdoers, my house is not a house of evil practices but a
house of prayers.”
Those who mourn, will be comforted. Those who judge their
brothers will meet the highest judgment in heaven. Love one
another, so that your joy may be true. Blessed are those who are
poor but upright, spiritually. The kingdom of heaven is theirs. Oh!
Joseph Kakumbu, where do I stand? I mourned for my mother,
Savina Kawaya daughter of Mutevu. I mourned for my father, Ituuli son of Kamwendya. I mourned for my grandfather, Kamwendya son of Matete who was an outstanding illicit brew drinker like me. I mourned for all those people and many others. Will I be comforted?
No, please, Kamunauwi my friend, leave me alone. I won’t move
from here. I can’t reach home. I am too drunk to walk. Kamunauwi,
don’t touch me again please. Just go home alone. You never drink
kaluvu like me. You are a coward and a miser. Why do you like
sweet things like women?
When will you become a real man, Kamunauwwi? In the morning, you take a bottle of soda. During lunchtime, you take another bottle of soda. During evening, you take the last bottle of soda. You are like a woman. You never taste bitter things. Take care before Jesus Christ comes to find that you never tasted any kaluvu. I have told you to stop touching me, Kamunauwi. Leave me alone to sleep on this road. I was cursed by my parents. Let me drink it until I perish.
No, don’t wipe my tears Kamunauwi. Let my tears flow down my cheeks. My wife Vilomena Mukenu has become quite indifferent to me. She does not warn me to stop drinking! God will judge her. No please Kamunauwi, I want to cry until sunset. I want to cry out
blood and pus. If surely, my only wife Vilomena Mukenu has purposed to make me suffer so much as if I am her slave, let it be so. The kingdom of heaven is greater than her. I am not cursing Vilomena Mukenu as my parents did to me. I am only warning her. Do you hear, Kamunauwi? But Vilomena is a bad woman. She gives me cold food and calls me an orphan and a bastard. She also goes to the extent of calling me a good for nothing husband. I don’t see the reason why she calls me a good for nothing husband.
 Kamunauwi, women are slippery
and unpredictable. They only love their husbands during the early days of their marriage. But as time goes on, everything starts losing its grip. Things change so drastically. When I was courting Vilomena
Mukenu, things were different. That was the time when I would go and ask her parents:
"Is Vilomena present?"
They would answer me,
"No. She has gone to the river but she will be back soon. Take this
chair and sit down as you wait for her."
I would then say,
"No, I won't sit down because I am in a hurry. I will come to see her tomorrow."
Then her mother would say to me, "You son-in-law, you always come to visit us when you are in a
hurry. What do you always rush for? Am I not telling you that
Vilomena will be here soon?"
I therefore felt ashamed and I would wait for her until she came.
After her arrival, we would sit down somewhere and chat for several
hours. That is like a dream to me now. The same Vilomena is
nowadays denying me tea! This is extremely incredible. Please
Kamunauwi, let me drink until I die!
The sting of poverty has become too much for me. Let me die
please. I don't see the need of living in this world anymore! My friend Kamunauwi, when you reach home, tell my wife Vilomena to come and carry me from this place. I am too drunk to walk by myself. If she refuses to come, just leave her alone. Don't keep on persuading her, otherwise she will abuse you and call you a good for nothing bachelor as she calls me. Kamunauwi, when you get married, you will realize that women are difficult.
"Vilomena Mukenu, why don't you tell your husband to stop drinking kaluvu like a lunatic? Your husband will die soon if you don't caution him. He will exactly follow the same trail which was followed by Kamwendya, his grandfather. Vilomena, my dear friend, what is wrong with your husband?
I saw him very drunk yesterday near the road crying like a child.
Isn't it a shameful behavior for your husband to cry and wail? He drinks a lot of kaluvu and when he is on his way towards home, he wails like a bereaved woman. I understand that he also pisses on his clothes. God forbid. Just imagine, why should Joseph behave so irresponsibly and yet he has a family? Oh! It is incredible. It is a pathetic situation. Vilomena Mukenu, tell your husband that he will never gain anything by being a reckless drinker. He is only nailing his coffin. The local illicit brew that he drinks doesn't add any value to his life. The lethal brew will only ruin his health. There is no gain at all. Don't you see how emaciated he has become these days? His belly
has become deflated completely because you don't give him food.
His jaws are quite distinct and distorted. His eyes have diminished
in their sockets. Why don't you rebuke him, Vilomena? Don't you love him any longer? Vilomena Mukenu, tell your husband that where two bulls are fighting, grass is always the sufferer. 
Tell him that he is fighting with kaluvu and eventually he will be the loser. Kaluvu is stronger than him and he won't be surprised one of these days to find himself in a coffin! Do you hear, Vilomena? Tell your husband so, without any vestiges of fear or reservation. He won't kill you because of telling him the truth. My husband used to drink heavily some years back but when I became fiery to him, he stopped it completely. These days he is always sober and he has given up the habit once and for all. Tell your husband that he is only digging his grave. That is true. Drinking a lot of kaluvu will only lead him to extreme poverty. Vilomena Mukenu, do you know how difficult it is to get a responsible husband? Take care of your husband lest you lose him the way he lost his parents and grandfather. How many women have we seen so far, running here and there like wild goats, searching for non existing husbands? Other women have flocked to towns, like my sister, Felistus Kawiisya. I hear that she grabs every man who comes her way to make him her husband, but she never succeeds.
 Whoever said that obstinacy cannot be eradicated by using a
cane was right. My sister Felistus has been beaten by my father because of her wretched behavior. However, she only pays a deaf ear. When she leaves home at dawn, before the people have gotten up from their beds, she returns home at night. That is what my mother tells me. The standard of living is rising rapidly. I also called Felistus to my house and admonished her: “Please Felistus, my only dear sister, let me give you some sound advice. You are my only sister and I don’t feel impressed when I see you following the wrong track in your life. 
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