Friday, April 5, 2024



Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger. 
( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the aboveunderlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several
certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and
international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life
Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA.
Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in MinistryScience, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University, in USA.
Johnathan Kawenzi of Imile village,
you are a notorious rumor monger.
You have been spreading malicious rumors, that Stella Musangi slaughtered her bitch one night and fed her children with its carcass,
because there was no food in her home.
Johnathan Kawenzi, you are a bad man and a real rumor monger.
You have traversed Imile village,
spreading unbelievable rumors that, Stella Musangi’s husband has deserted and neglected his wife and children.
You rumor monger, you have tarnished the name of Mr. Shadrach Kimosa, Stella’s husband.
You rumor monger, your rumor mongering will utterly be your undoing. Your days of rumor mongering are numbered.
You spend all the day, from dawn to dusk,going round visiting your neighbor’s homes, spreading your malicious rumors. Oh! What a damage you have done, to many of your innocent neighbors.
Many of them have generally started hating you, and detesting your evil ways. Johnathan Kawenzi, your rumor mongering, will not take you anywhere. Behold, all your villagers are now up, against you
because of your persistent rumor mongering.
Woe unto you, the rumor monger.
The villagers’ wrath is now upon you. The village situation is already quite volatile against you. You rumor monger, where on earth, did you learn your bad practice of maligning your neighbors?
Johnathan Kawenzi, are you aware that Stella Musangi, and her husband have engaged a lawyer
to file a case in a court against you
because of assassinating their character?
The people of Imile village,
have a hard time these days.
Their conventional lifestyles
and their reputation, have been completely shattered, by Johnathan Kawenzi, the rumor monger.
A wave of mistrust and suspicion,
has swept forcefully, among the people of Imile village, because of the rumor monger,Jonathan Kawenzi.
Why have you decided to be a busybody? The people of Imile village are not at ease with you, Jonathan Kawenzi. You bad fellow,
Jonathan Kawenzi of Imile village,
your days of sowing seeds of discord, are now almost over.
Your unpalatable behavior will soon come to an end.
Our country has suffered a great loss. The country has lost a great force of talented men, who have been assassinated because of political reasons. As a result, there is a lot of brain drainage.
We have lost many geniuses, who could have steered this country, to great levels of tangible prosperity and achievement. But due to political rivalry and envy, our great thinkers and experts, have departed from this world prematurely.
Many of them have been murdered mercilessly. Unyielding commissions of inquiry have been formed, to investigate the deaths of the great men, who have died mysteriously.
However, this has just been mere wastage of time and resources.
Striking statements from government officials,
have hit the local newspapers headlines;
No stone will be left unturned.
We are in hot pursuit of the assassins.
We shall not relent, until we bring the murderers to book.
We are hitting the ground running,
and soon we shall catch up with the assassins.
There should be no panic whatsoever. We are already in possession of very vital information.
Let the public remain calm and orderly, as we try to unravel the mystery of this assassination.
Our security organs are quite vigilant. There should be no speculation.
Let us not politicize the matter.
Please be patient until we get a clear report.
We should desist from all vestiges of suspicion.
As soon as the commission is through with its inquiry, we shall disclose the report to the general public.
“Anything that your heart desires is like medicine to it. Do you hear that, my wife Vilomena Mukenu? If God intended that I will be killed by kaluvu (local brew) when he created me, then that must happen! Vilomena Mukenu my wife, are you crying because I drink excessively?
“Are you crying because I did not buy you a pair of shoes last month? Are you crying because you asked me to accompany you to go and visit your parents and I declined? When I come home drunk, do you assume that I have a lot of money? Do you think money is just dug from the ground like gemstones, Vilomena?
“That is one thing you misunderstand, you woman. I concur with what one of my friends told me about his wife last night when we were drinking. It occurred to me that the way she behaves to her husband is exactly the same way you behave towards me.
“Whoever said that women are the cause of many problems we
experience in our daily lives, was a hundred percent right. I am sure the difficulties I am having now would not have been there if I had not got married to you, Vilomena Mukenu daughter of Richard Kimanzi.
“Let me get my notebook and write the following words for my
own reference. Marriage is only but an addition of troubles and a
subtraction of money. Or what do you think, my dear friend, Kamunauwi? When I go home especially at month end, my wife
Vilomena Mukenu pours all her financial problems to me. “I want a
new dress. I want a new pair of shoes. I want lovely necklaces and earrings. I want two kilograms of sugar for making tea every morning. I want some baby lotion for my baby.” 
This terrible burden is upon me,
Joseph Kakumbi. It is a burden that I cannot evade, no matter how
much I try to dodge.
“Dear Lord, why did I surely get married? But when God created
man, He said that it was not good for man to live alone. So He
created a woman and presented her to man as his partner so that
they can live their lives together, in a mutual relationship.
“So, I did not commit any crime by marrying Vilomena Mukenu.
But she causes a lot of troubles to me sometimes such that I cannot
even sleep well. She tells me to stop drinking heavily. Nonsense, I
cannot stop drinking. If drinking my favorite local brew will kill me
just as it did to my grandfather Kamwendya, then let it be so.
“Folks, listen to me. Vilomena Mukenu, listen to me. I want to be
clear and categorical to all of you by stating that I am not afraid of
death. If a plant is not bent during the early stages of its life, it cannot be bend when it has already matured. My parents failed to
warn me to stop this bad habit of drinking when I was still a young
“Now, it is too late and nobody can control me. So, I shall drink
until my last breath. Vilomena Mukenu, you are just wasting your
time by telling me to stop drinking. Surely, I cannot stop it no matter what you say or do. Do you hear that, Vilomena my wife? I awill only stop drinking when I die!”
The villagers and the neighbors of Joseph Kakumbi say; Joseph
Kakumbi is the greatest local brew drinker in Kasokolo village. There
is no other man who can dare him in drinking kaluvu. He can drink
kaluvu of thirty liters alone, within twenty minutes and you won’t see
any signs of intoxication on his face!
Local brew (kaluvu) is what he washes his face with, every
morning before he does any work. When Joseph Kakumbi is not
drunk, his mind never functions normally. No quantity of kaluvu can
make him portray any clear signs of stupor. Drinking kaluvu is a
talent which was given to Joseph Kakumbi by his creator! He drinks like his grandfather Kamwendya who died many years ago because of his heavy drinking. Joseph is following his grandfather’s trend now. Soon, his grandfather’s calamity will also befall him. Joseph Kakumbi never takes any meal these days. Other villagers say, Joseph Kakumbi is the type of a man who only knows how to
ascend but he doesn’t know how to descend. When he is totally
drunk, he never knows where to step with his dirty and clumsy feet.
He pisses on his clothes until they look like soaked maize. He spits
saliva on the other men’s kaluvu if they don’t invite him to drink. When he goes back home in the evening, he tells his wife Vilomena Mukenu to ensure that when he dies, she should bury him with at least ten liters of kaluvu so that he may still continue drinking in the grave!
“You hypocrites, there you are. You always gossip about me. You
say that I am a professional drunkard. Yes, of course I am. So
what? Even now I am drunk. Have I ever hindered anyone from drinking heavily as I do?
“I use my own money to buy beer. Money is the national language these days. Money is power. Don’t you know that? So, I have that power. I can brag about it without any fear. Stop being envious, you people of Kasokolo village. I don’t owe anybody anything after all. Why do you like tracking my lifestyle so closely?
“Why is everybody concerned about me? Why don’t you mind your own business and leave me alone? If you can’t push wheelbarrows and carts full of bananas at the market like me to get some money, poverty will kill you! I don’t give people my beer. I cannot afford to be so generous to lazy people like you.
“You should work with your own hands to get money for buying
your own beer. Cowards and bastards, coil your tails wherever you may be hiding, as I pass. I am too drunk actually. Even if I fall down on this road, the government officials will come and carry me to my home.
“Vilomena Mukenu my dear wife, today I am totally drunk. I know she dislikes seeing me in this state. When I reach home, she looks at me and shakes her head in disapproval as if she is a bereaved wife. When I ask her to give me food, she answers me rudely.
“She tells me to go and ask my dead mother those foolish questions. I say, Vilomena forgets that her mother will also die like
my mom, one of these days."
 You can contact me through; or Mobile:+254724649652 or +254718776259
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