Tuesday, April 9, 2024



 Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger (https://syomuti.blogspot.com). He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking https://syomuti.com He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the above underlinedname, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and international Bible Schools.
He has a certificate in Spiritual Life Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry
Science, from Abide University, in USA.
“The Villagers of Kasokolo, listen to me. My husband Joseph Kakumbi is a useless man. He drinks until he loses his conscience. He staggers
on the way like a weakling. The village prostitutes follow him
everywhere he goes in order to ransack him when he falls down
after heavy drinking.
“I hate the prostitutes who have been lurking like hawks in this
pathetic village. They think my husband is a millionaire. Shame on
you the village whores. Your lifestyle of wickedness will never benefit you in any way. My husband is a very irresponsible man. He does not care for his family.
“He spends most of his time in drinking sprees with the village
prostitutes from dawn to dusk! Which wife can really enjoy living
with such a man? Folks, tell me. I am tired and fed up. This is not
the life that I desired to live. I am suffering and my children are
suffering as well. Their father has deserted them.
“Nowadays, they never go to school because their father never pays
the school dues. Mine is a pathetic situation. Let me assure you my
people, you will soon hear the funeral announcement of my
husband if he does not stop drinking kaluvu. Prepare yourselves to bury this reckless man. 
“Do you know what happens when someone plays with fire? He gets
burnt. Start digging the grave of my husband, Joseph Kakumbi!”
“People of this village, where is your concern? Do you want to let
Joseph Kakumbi to continue drinking so that you can eat his
corpse when he dies? Why don’t you warn him to stop drinking? If he defies your warning, why don’t you just tie him with ropes and
put pepper in his eyes so that he can learn a bitter lesson?
“Vilomena Mukenu, wife of Joseph Kakumbi, the chronic village
drunkard, why don’t you give your husband food? Even the dogs we
keep at our homes, sometimes they don’t bark at night but we still
give them food! Try to give your husband food please.
“These days he looks so thin and he has lost a lot of weight because
he has not been getting his meals. Stop treating him so unfairly.
Even though he has become so irresponsible these days, he is still
your husband and he needs your love.”
Some other people in Kasokolo village say: “Sometimes Joseph Kakumbi is beaten by his wife when he is drunk until he cries like a child. He is normally slapped without retaliating. When he leaves the tavern where he usually goes to drink, he shouts uncontrollably like a sunbird on his way home.
“But as soon as he enters his wife’s cottage, he keeps quiet to
avoid being beaten by her. Word has it that Vilomena Mukenu
doesn’t serve her husband with food. Joseph Kakumbi serves
himself with food. To make the matters worse, his wife doesn’t allow him to sleep in the bed.
“Joseph Kakumbi spends his nights on the floor of his house!
He is given tea only once per year! His wife tells him that drunkards should not take tea regularly. If Joseph Kakumbi takes  kaluvu of ten liters, he doesn’t get intoxicated. When he takes kaluvu of twenty liters, he regards himself as a total man.
“Joseph Kakumbi doesn’t share his kaluvu with anybody. He says that men who want to be drunkards like him should work hard and get money to buy their own drink. He never looks at the other men when he is drinking. He drinks quietly
and no man dares talk to him when he is swallowing kaluvu
through his wide mouth.”
“Vilomena Mukenu, the wife of Joseph Kakumbi, what do I hear? I
hear that your husband is sick in bed because of drinking thirty
liters of kaluvu yesterday. That is better! He deserves it! Why does
he drink so irresponsibly? This time round, the illicit brew will not leave him alive. “He is definitely nailing his coffin! I hear that his face has become swollen and he cannot recognize anybody. Is that true, Vilomena? Tell him that we are preparing ourselves with jembes and mattocks to start digging his grave. He cannot escape death this time, no matter how crafty he might be.
“Tell him to start praying to his dead grandfather Kamwendya, so
that he can welcome him when he dies. Vilomena Mukenu, daughter of Kimanzi, you are a very insensitive woman in fact. Why
do you leave your husband to squander his hard earned money so extravagantly? Why don’t you get that money and buy yourself a
better pair of shoes? And by the way, do you gain anything when
you refuse to give your husband some food?
“You are just punishing him for no apparent reason. You better be
tracking him to take his money when he gets drunk, otherwise the
village prostitutes will continue to hover around him. Come back to
your senses and devise proper ways of dealing with your husband.”
“Vilomena Mukenu, my dear wife, what do the other women tell you
about me? Do they tell you that I am a good for nothing husband?
Do they tell you that I will soon follow my grandfather Kamwendya
into the grave? Do they tell you that kaluvu will be the cause of my
“What else do they tell you about me? Why do you listen to women
who gossip about me? Don’t you think it is bad? After all, what is
wrong with drinking kaluvu?
“My wife Vilomena Mukenu treats me like a slave. She never gives
me food. She never gives me tea in the morning. She tells me that I
am a useless husband. When she goes to the market early in the
morning, she comes back at sunset when the chickens are going to
“When I ask her where she has been and what she has been doing
all the day long, she tells me that it is none of my business and I
should not know! If I keep on asking her why she spends all the day at the market, she tells me to keep quiet otherwise she will slap me!
“She tells me that she is not the type of women who are taken for
granted. She beats me mercilessly, as if I am the wife and she is the
husband. She does all sorts of bad things to me. Normally, I just
keep quiet and leave her to continue with her brutality. This is all because of kaluvu but I cannot stop drinking it! 
“My God, did you permit wives to beat their husbands? Why does
Vilomena beat me so severely?”
“My friend, where have you been for all those many days? It is so long since I last saw you, Kamunauwi. Sit down here. I want to tell you something. Not even something, but a lot of things, my friend. You know very well that I am a chronic drunkard in this village of kasokolo.
“The neighboring villages also know that I am a drunkard. But
despite the fact that I am a drunkard, it does not mean that I know nothing. I know something little about people. Listen to me
carefully. I am not very drunk now. I want to give you some advice. In your lifetime, never indulge yourself into drunkenness.
“I know you might wonder why I am telling you so and yet I am an
outstanding drunkard. You know very well that I am your closest
friend. As the saying goes, a good friend is the one who beats you
and yet he cares for you. I know I abuse you badly sometimes when
I am drunk.
“Anyway, don’t mind about that. That is the nature of drunkards.
When you meet with them the following morning and you ask them the reason why they abused you, they tell you that they never even saw you.”
“Yes, I drink kaluvu heavily and I will not stop drinking it until I
die! That is simple and clear. I will tell you the reason why I cannot
stop drinking it, later: Kaluvu, wastes your money. It doesn’t bring
any profit. It spoils your health. It makes your eyes become blood
“It makes you be hated by your neighbors and villagers. It gives
other people an opportunity to gossip maliciously about you. The
little children also mock and despise you. It gives people a chance of composing bad songs about you. It makes your wife disown you. It gives your wife an opportunity of slapping you.
“I Joseph Kakumbi, I am nothing and I have been completely ruined
by kaluvu. I am useless now. I am a good for nothing husband. What can I do, my friend Kamunauwi? Kaluvu will kill me indeed. Do you hear what I am saying, Kamunauwi? My value in this world
has diminished completely.
“Why should I live? Please Kamunauwi, give me a rope. I want to commit suicide now! My grandfather Kamwendya was the person who trained me to be a drunkard. That was the time when I was a young boy. He was also notorious because of drinking kaluvu. Whenever he came home from the brewers, he would bring a small gourd full of kaluvu. Then, he would tell me to drink all of it.
 What do people say, Kamunauwi? They say that in a family where there was once a thief, another thief will still emerge. My grandfather Kamwendya was a drunkard and I am like him. One
day, he went to drink kaluvu at Kasemba’s home and that was the
end of him.
“Although Kasemba was a woman who used to brew strong kaluvu
in those days, she was also a dangerous witch. She was the one
who put poison in Kamwendya’s kaluvu. The reason was that she
hated him because he was a rich man. So, the following morning we
found Kamwendya dead in his bed.
“After we consulted a witchdoctor, we were told that some poison
was put in his kaluvu by a nearby woman and that was the cause
of his death. Since we knew that Kasemba was his enemy, we did
not bother the witchdoctor by asking her any questions. That was
how Kamwendya died.
“After his death, I went to look for a job in Nairobi City. I stayed there for more than ten years working. Every year, I received many letters from my parents telling me to come home so that they could bless me before they died. They had fallen very sick. I never replied their letters and neither came home.
“One day, I received a message from home saying that my mother
had died and after about six days, I got another message saying that my father had also passed on. That is the reason why I cannot stop drinking kaluvu. I am a failure, full of frustrations. Let me drink up to the last minute of my life!
“What else should I do then, my friend Kamunauwi? Tell me, please. Now I am jobless. Unless I push wheelbarrows full of bananas and cabbages at the market, I can’t get money to buy kaluvu and food. You know very well that Vilomena Mukenu does not give me food. What else can I tell you?
“Imagine an old man like me pushing wheelbarrows all the day
long, to earn a few coins for buying food and yet he has a wife at
home who can cook for him. That is quite unheard of. Kamunauwi my friend, women are unpredictable. They can enslave and misuse you until you die. 
“You will understand what I am talking about when you get married. Kamunauwi, women are very difficult to deal with. I am not wishing you a bad omen and I am not discouraging you. I am only disclosing facts to you. You will certainly encounter some of these problems that I am talking about. I am not scaring you Kamunauwi but I am only telling you facts.” 
“My dear villagers of Kasokolo, let me tell you something. I never knew that kaluvu can deprive someone of his natural countenance and glamour. How many of you have seen Joseph Kakumbi the heavy kaluvu drinker recently? I bet none of you have. Joseph Kakumbi is drawing nearer to his grave now, than ever before. “Definitely, his days are numbered and there is no debate or doubt about that. I saw him yesterday when I was going to the shop and I really pitied that man. He is just a moving skeleton and no one can stand his sight. His eyes looked bloody red and they are big like the ones of a bush baby.
 “His jaws are as visible as those of a donkey. The shirt he wore nearly made me vomit. It was stinking urine and kaluvu. This is extremely bad in fact. What does Joseph gain from the kaluvu that he drinks, after all? He doesn’t gain anything whatsoever. Our Lord of mercy, help Joseph Kakumbi please before it is too late. 
You can contact me through; Email:syomuti@gmail.com or jambsy@yahoo.com Mobile:+254724649652 or +254718776259
Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jamesmbotela.syomuti.7 Twitter:https://twitter.com/jambsy@yahoo.com Website:https://syomuti.com Blog:https://syomuti.blogspot.com

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