Tuesday, April 9, 2024



 Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger (https://syomuti.blogspot.com). He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking https://syomuti.com He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church
details online, by just writing and clicking the above underlined
name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher
and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several certificates and
diplomas in theology, from national and international Bible Schools.
He has a certificate in Spiritual Life Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry
Science, from Abide University, in USA.
“Nowadays, Joseph Kakumbi looks like a crafted statue. Save him please. He is drowning in kaluvu just in the same way a man who doesn’t know how to swim drowns in deep waters. It is quite evident that Joseph Kakumbi is a bewitched man. Who can deny that? Who wants us to bet? Let him come so that we can bet if he denies that Joseph Kakumbi has not been bewitched.
“Where else in this world has a man been ever seen drinking kaluvu like
Joseph Kakumbi? There is nowhere in this world where such a man has ever existed. Eye witnesses say that Joseph Kakumbi drinks kaluvu more heavily, than the way his late grandfather used to drink.”
“It is plain to everyone in our village that Joseph Kakumbi is going down the drains. His departure from this world is quite imminent. Joseph Kakumbi is merely
competing with death in a marathon. This is futile to him because obviously, death will be the winner. Therefore, what is the need of this unyielding competition?
“The only way Joseph can defeat his opponent is to stop drinking. The other day I was almost unable to recognize him when he talked to me. Christine Wayua my friend, that man is very emaciated these days. I am not ashamed to tell you so.
Perhaps that is the reason why his wife mistreats him.
“Surely, the wife of Joseph Kakumbi is not a good woman even though she claims to be a devout Christian. She calls herself Vilomena Mukenu daughter of
Kimanzi. If I were her, I could omit the first baptismal name. She only pretends to be a good Christian and yet we know that she is a hypocrite.
“We know that she mistreats her husband. That is very bad to God. Some of us do not go to church and we do not claim to be Christians like her, but we are even
better than her by far! By the way, pretenders are worse than murderers. She thinksthat the name Vilolmena is very important. Doesn’t she know that I can also be
baptized to be called Anastasia Mawia Mutevu.”
“You women gossipers with wide mouths, I hear you when you gossip about me maliciously. You men gossipers with small bellies which cannot withstand the weight of twenty liters of kaluvu, I hear you even when I am far away! You
Vilomena Mukenu, the most difficult woman I have ever seen, I hear you.
“You Kamwendya, my dead grandfather, help me please. You, my dead father and mother, relieve me of this heavy burden of chronic drunkenness! It torments me ruthlessly. You devil, you who only knows how to lead people into wrong deeds, you will be sent by God to eternal fire one day.
“And you fellow human beings, who keep on gossiping about me wherever you are, take care otherwise Jesus Christ will catch you unawares one day when you are not alert. My dear God of mercy, which sin did I commit so that I may deserve such a tiring and heavy punishment?
“I am just a simple and frail human being who needs your forgiveness. I have repented before you my God. Please forgive me. I have become a laughing stock to my friends and villagers. Little children mock me. The village women are all against me. All my friends are against me. My wife Vilolmena Mukenu is against me.
“Life itself is against me. Everything is against me. The people of this village hate me. I feel completely disowned. What can I do? Anyway, I cannot stop drinking. If that is what makes people hate me so much, let them go ahead with their intense hatred. I don’t care. I cannot do without kaluvu.
“Dear kaluvu, what is your main function in my body? Do you want to lie to me that you make my body strong when you actually don’t? Do you want to convince me that you get rid of my stress and frustrations? Is it because you make me forget my quarrels with Vilomena? But kaluvu, that is the reason why I love you!
“Today I want to drink you in a large quantity, so that you can know my
sincere love towards you! I will never desert you kaluvu. Barman, please bring more bottles of kaluvu. I want to enjoy your taste. You are very cold and sweet today. Where have you been brewed? It must be in an earthen pot, if I am not mistaken.
“When you are brewed in these bloody plastic containers, I don’t enjoy you. Let me ask you a question. When will you give my body good health? Don’t you see how my jaws are protruding? Look at my eyes and my belly. Don’t you think it is shameful for me to have such a countenance? People know that you are my most intimate friend!“Could you be intending to kill me? Nowadays, I look so slim. People call me a walking skeleton, because of you. Bastard, you kaluvu, get out of my way. I want to go home and beg my wife to give me some food before she goes to sleep.”
“Was I dreaming or, did somebody tell me that Joseph Kakumbi was found last night outside Wakwitu Bar, lying there like a dead man? Tell me, my people. What is Joseph Kakumbi aiming at? Is there any need of Joseph Kakumbi to continue drinking kaluvu which has so far affected his health so adversely?
“This obstinate drunkard is exactly following the trail of his grandfather. I say, this is a sorry case. Don’t we have a respectable man of good reputation in our
village who can counsel this desperate man? Is there anybody who is bold enough to tell Joseph Kakumbi that his death is encroaching? Tell Joseph Kakumbi that the devil is waiting for him!
“Can anybody dispute that fact? His grave should be ready by now! My dear villagers please wake up and start digging a big grave for Joseph Kakumbi our villager. By merely looking at the way the situation is, Joseph Kakumbi can die any time from this moment onwards. During his burial, remember to put several
liters of kaluvu in his grave. You don’t have to bother about food. If you put food in the grave for him, you will only disappoint him in the spirit world.”
“Come closer please, kaluvu. Come closer my closest associate. Do you love me, kaluvu? Where did you come from? Who created you? Your taste is sweet. When you see me crying like a child, don’t blame me. It is all because of kaluvu. When you see me being blown this way and that way by wind, don’t blame me.
“It is because of kaluvu. When you see me collecting rotten sweet potatoes at the market, don’t blame me. It is because I am hungry. When you see me beggingthe bar man to give me accommodation, don’t blame me. It is because Vilomena Mukenu chases me away from home.
“Oh! Joseph Kakumbi, son of Ituuli, I am very drunk today. What is better than kaluvu in this world? Come on, kaluvu, help me please. I want to go home now. Take me home safely my darling. Otherwise, I won’t reach without your help. Do
you hear what I am saying? Show me the way home.
“It is very dark today, but I can see some boys on the road. I wonder what they are doing at this hour of the night and they are not drunkards like me? These are the type of boys who rob old men of their money when they get drunk. But I am not the type of men who are robbed so easily.
“So young boys, take care of yourselves lest you will go home limping. Don’t assume that I am unable to recognize you. I know all of you. Get out of my way you bloody bastards. I want to go  home.”
“My fellow villagers, what did I hear? I heard that Joseph Kakumbi was seen yesterday very early in the morning at the edge of the road lying down. I heard that he slept there throughout the night. Yes, and I also hear that he had smeared his body with his feces! Where else was such an incident seen in this world? “This is quite incredible. Why can’t I be allowed to strangle this drunkard to death? He has brought a lot of shame to the entire village. I just can’t imagine how his wife Vilomena Mukenu shares the bed with this stinking man. Why can’t we gather and kill Joseph Kakumbi? For how long shall we withstand his humiliation? “Don’t you know that this man can also be a real health hazard and can spread
a very deadly disease? I saw him vomiting blood the other day. Why can’t we go and consult Vilomena Mukenu his wife for her consent so that she can allow us to kill this unwanted bastard? I am sure she will grant us permission to do so.” ***
“No please, Kamunauwi, I will never go back to that home. Kamunauwi, kill me please. I want to die now! I want to start another new life elsewhere! Don’t be afraid, Kamunauwi. What you need to do is just to get hold of my neck and strangle me. I do not want to see Vilomena again. She is a bewitched woman. “Vilomena Mukenu will stand before God one day and answer several questions concerning me. My grandfather Kamwendya, see how I am suffering. My parents, wherever you are, see how I am suffering. But I cannot stop drinking kaluvu. Let it kill me today. “Whatever your heart desires, is like a cure to it. Do you hear that, Vilomena Mukenu? If God destined that I will be killed by kaluvu when he created me, then let it be so.” 
You can contact me through; Email:syomuti@gmail.com or jambsy@yahoo.com Mobile:+254724649652 or +254718776259
Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jamesmbotela.syomuti.7 Twitter:https://twitter.com/jambsy@yahoo.com Website:https://syomuti.com Blog:https://syomuti.blogspot.com

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