Monday, April 22, 2024



Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger ( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the aboveunderlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several
certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and
international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life
Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity
(DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University, in USA.
(EZEKIEL 16:4-6) - "On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths."
A true story is told of a brother/young man who suffered for many years, without any prior knowledge of the cause of his suffering.
The suffering he had experienced had its origin from the evil altar of
his umbilical cord which began on the day he was born.
He had studied up to university level. After graduating from the
university, he never worked for more than three years in any
particular company. He would be sacked. His salary never exceeded thirty thousand per month.
After a long time of continuous suffering, he sensed that something was seriously wrong in his life. He decided to pray and fast about the problem. One night, in a vision from God, he saw three women (his step mother, his aunt and his neighbor) and a baby boy. The three women were notorious witches. The baby boy was actually the young man. When he was asked by the LORD whether he knew the three women and the baby boy, he responded in the affirmative. The Spirit of the LORD disclosed to him that, on the day he was born (Ezekiel 16:4), the three women were called by his mother to assist her in the delivery exercise. However, after the baby boy was born, they took his umbilical cord to the forest in the pretext that they were going to bury it.
The three women removed their clothes and they held the umbilical
cord in their hands. They took some sharp sticks which looked like a comb. They started making evil pronouncements as they
tore/ripped the umbilical cord into pieces. As they did it, they
uttered the following words;
1. Just as we are three withches,
2. Let the life of this boy be torn/ripped into pieces/shreds.
3. Let the boy never have joy in his lifetime.
4. Let him never work at any one particular place for more than
three years.
5. Let his salary never exceed thirty thousand shillings.
Once they were through with the above evil utterances , they went
to the house of one of the three women. They put the ripped
umbilical cord in a frying pan. They put some cooking fat and
started frying the "meat." As the meat/umbilical cord made the
hissing sound , they spoke further and said;
As the meat makes the hissing sound, let the boys life be full of
hissing and misery. After the evil utterances, they ate the meat. By eating the umbilical cord, they symbolized that they had already eaten the boy's life. When the vision from the LORD was over, the brother woke up and he felt very much annoyed, discouraged and perturbed. The Spirit of the LORD spoke to him in his state of sobriety that;
1. He should take one hundred thousand shillings to the church as an offering. (He had been saving from his meager resources , during the days when he was in employment.)
2. He should fast for three weeks after giving the offering.
The young man obeyed the two instructions without any doubt.
During the first week of his fasting and prayer, his step mother died
and she was buried. The brother entered week two of prayer and
fasting. His aunt died and she was buried. He did the same in week
three and finally, the woman who was his neighbor also died and she
was buried! After those occurances, a job advertisement was done by one particular company. The brother applied for the job. Fifty two candidates applied for the job, including the brother. When the short listing for the interview was done, he was among the lot. Finally, he was the only candidate who was considered for the job. He was offered a monthly salary of two hundred thousand shillings. After one year, he was promoted, given a company car and a servant's quarter.
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