Saturday, March 2, 2024


Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down theline. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International (Headquarters-The Jericho
Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), the English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the
Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking
the above underlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University. His student's (No.) is, ID#220929587.
There are people who hold tightly on things they claim to possess but ironically in the course of time, they lose everything.This is sheer folly and irrefutable vanity as well. You are the man who made everyone who knew you wonder. You were once privileged to be in a high position in one of the major
institutions in our esteemed nation.
You were full of elegance and pomp. The people who knew you
saluted you with a lot of respect and honor. They saw the way you dressed so decently. Your speeches in social gatherings
were seasoned with sweet and articulate words which moved the
listeners. Your excited audience applauded you because of the rare style of capturing their attention. As a matter of fact, they regarded
you as a triumphant hero of your day. Your contemporaries envied you since they perceived you as untouchable. You dressed in unusual styles. The decency of your attire was always noticeable.
In fact, you climbed the ladder of achievement so smoothly without any obstacles on your way. Perhaps that was the reason
why you became self conceited and inconsiderate. The respect and honor people had for you started declining gradually. As a result, people started fearing you instead of respecting you. All the honor which people had for you diminished. Finally, they left you in your own island of desperation and rejection. You did not know that your pomp and disregard for the masses was entirely the cause of your downfall. And so you came down tumbling from your highly coveted position. When your former allies saw your mighty fall, they deserted you and hid themselves. These days, they no longer associate with you. When they see you approaching, they disappear in thin air. They squandered your money during the days of your affluence. But those are bygones which are of no use to them these days. Though they still recall vividly the good old days of pleasure and abundance with you, they cannot continue living in the empty dead past. They do not want to associate with you because according to them, you are a failure! Anyway, take it easy. That is life and life is not a straight line. There are ups and downs. There are times of joy and times of disappointment. There are times of plenty and times of want. There are times of friendship and times of enmity. There are times of rising and times of falling.
There are times of toil and times of rest. There are times of being accepted and times of being rejected. There are times of being famous and times of becoming infamous. There are times of encouragement and times of discouragement. Life is just an illusion. It is so deceptive and sometimes its captivating activities are not anything worthwhile to depend on. I have seen people wasting themselves and still wasting their time in their clamor for real fulfillment in life. They struggle so much in endless and unprofitable toil in order to make their ends meet. Incidentally, it only occurs to them that their efforts are both unsatisfying and unyielding. There are a lot of people around here pursuing the childhood dreams of their lives but yet this has only resulted in futility. I feel disturbed and disgusted when I see
people struggling so much in life to realize their unforthcoming dreams. I have seen some people's health deteriorate because of
performing quite demanding and unyielding tasks. I have seen others getting up very early in the morning to go to work and finally, the more they devote themselves to the assignments of their own desires and choices, the more they become weary and unhappy.I have been completely disillusioned in life. I have been taught many tough lessons by life itself and so I am no longer a learner but a qualified instructor. When I see people getting so much excited and pressing on in their concerted efforts to achieve or excel in any particular area of their lives, I see a lot of futility and absurdity in their efforts. Surely, all achievement in this life is a result of envy and
competition at different levels and endeavors of life. Musicians
are busy composing songs and storming the music studios of
their producers to record new songs so that they can compete
with their fellow musicians, to see which one commands a greater attention of their listeners. Politicians have also had their share in this enticing scenario in
terms of traversing vast regions to visit the electorate and campaign to be voted in for various political positions. In the process of their intensive campaigns, they tarnish the names of their political rivals with slander and serious defamatory utterances. In the law firms, the advocates compete in their efforts to convince and prove to their clients that they can represent them well in their cases in the law courts. School principals and teachers compete with their neighboring schools in terms of
realizing the best results in the final national examinations at the end of every academic year. Neighbors have been in the forefront of stiff competition. They compete in terms of the quality of the gates they establish as points of entry to their homes. They compete in terms of the decent kinds of furniture they furnish their houses with. They compete to see who emerges as the star of the city in terms of the cars they drive. As far as I am concerned, all these futile
efforts end up in mere vanity and imaginary satisfaction. I don'tknow what all this competition brings forth at the end of the day. What difference does it make, whether you achieve or you don't achieve? What is so special and exceptional in all these activities that man struggles so much to carry out?
You really mistreated and exploited me. You treated me like a beggar. When you employed me, our terms of service as per our agreement were that I would work diligently and devotedly without any reservation. Your role, as per our agreement, was to ensure that my work environment was conducive for maximum production. Initially, I had a lot of hope and confidence in you. You promised me instant promotions as time went by, depending on my performance. You promised me great things if only I
portrayed tangible performance and production at my work. I made a mistake of confiding and trusting you. I forgot the saying that 'when the deal is too good, think twice.'
In the course of time, I learnt bitter lessons which you taught me
practically. The relationship between the two of us became
obviously strained. Our lines of communication were completely
severed. Our relationship declined from dialogue to monologue. You
frustrated and reduced me to nothing. I became a real soliloquist
because of the many disturbing thoughts which lingered in my
mind day and night. I went through times of painful experiences. My family was subjected to great suffering as well. My wife urged me to leave your job so many times but I still persisted, nursing the hope that one day things would improve
for better. But the more I waited, things grew from bad to worse.
My children were sent home from school because I failed to pay their school fees.Their teachers did not understand the reason why I was unable to pay the school levies. I had sleepless nights. I had a real
headache and immeasurable stress. I went through a trying
period of a real ordeal. You ignored me completely. You underpaid me. You exploited me mercilessly! You didn't want me to prosper. You drained all my energy and manpower in your deep craving for wealth and recognition. Surely, why did you decide to be so unfair and inconsiderate? Your quest for recognition as a star in the city and honor did you much harm than good. Instead of commanding respect, you became a laughing stock. Anyway, you regarded yourself as somebody but eventually it came to occur to you that you were nobody. You despised your employees. You would not listen to any sound advice any time it was offered to you by people who were sincere and had good intentions. There you are now, a spectacular personality who chose and decided to live in your own world of fantasy and
arrogance. Many were the days when I cried desperately at night because of your cruel treatment to me during the days when I worked for you. It also came to my realization that my other colleagues at work also experienced sleepless nights and chronic quarrels from their wives at home. The reason for this was mainly due to our inability to cater for the basic and essential family needs. The apparent reason for
this scenario was obviously due to low wages which remained
inelastic for so many years without any increments or other forms of incentives. I hate exploiters. I hate exploitation. I hate people who give false promises. I hate pretenders. I hate people who like misusing the
energy and intelligence of other people in order to satisfy their ego of becoming rich. I detest any manner of harsh treatment. I don't like people who seek pre-eminence by way of down-treading others. I am a man of my own principles. I like doing things my own way and in my own approach. I refrain from any manner of undue interference in other people's affairs. I respect the opinions and lifestyles of other people. I know sincerely that they have their own way of looking at things from their own points of perception. They have lifestyles of their own choice and I have to respect and tolerate that even if it may be contrary to my own expectations and conventional way of life. I may be a soliloquist and just an ordinary man. I may not impress you in many ways because your inborn passions and your desires may be quite different from mine.
You may regard me as a lunatic or a confused fellow. You may not like the way I express myself and the way I deal with people and situations. I have no quarrel with you. You may harbor intolerance towards other people in this present life, because of the standards and expectations you have set in your heart. I am like a man who gropes for his way out during broad daylight. Sometimes I don't understand myself. Now, if I don't understand myself and I do not even understand the purpose and the exact meaning of life, why then should you wear yourself out by trying to think that you can analyze my life and understand me? I am a man who talks to himself so many times during the day and as well as during the watches of the night. I am a soliloquist and I have my own imaginary audience outside there. I address an imaginary audience every day. I admire my audience because it doesn't get bored because of my monologue. My audience is so much considerate and patient with me. It doesn't heckle me when I am addressing it at any one given time, be it during the day or during the night. My audience consists of people who are always ready to listen to me without any complaints and finger pointing. My audience consists of people from different calibers and walks of life. I salute you, my esteemed audience. I do not want to take for granted, the maximum attention that you give me. 
You can contact me through; or 
Mobile: +254724649652 or +254718776259 
Facebook: ti.7