Saturday, March 2, 2024


Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti,ThD, DD, PhD,
 is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger( He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking ( He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (Headquarters-The Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), the English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the above underlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of; Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry
Science, from Abide University. His student's (No.) is, ID#220929587.
The nation is reeling and wallowing in a state of deep rooted corruption and nepotism. Everyone has become corrupt. Government ministers have become exceedingly corrupt and unreliable in their shrewd dealings with public coffers. They have enriched themselves overnight through questionable and dubious means. They drive sleek cars which are very expensive to maintain. Truly, these cars drain the country's financial potential at the expense of the citizens' good standard of living. The painful sting of poverty has really been felt all over the country by the populace. The general standards of living of the common man have been completely ravished and have assumed a pathetic and declining trend. Things have taken a disturbing course. Our political leaders have become so greedy, selfish and possessive. Nobody seems to mind about the welfare of the ordinary man these days. And so the ordinary man continues to wallow and languish in dire poverty. He is mercilessly downtrodden. Yes, the ordinary man has nobody to speak for him and advocate for his course. In fact I am very much perturbed, because of the way our economy is being ruined through chronic scandals which have become the order of the day. Our economy is ailing and bleeding profusely. Surely, remedial measures are desperately required to bring the economy back to its normal track. The situation is now quite wanting. The state of the economy is incredibly disheartening and hurting. So far, nobody has the answer to what should be done to bail out the economy from its present condition of the dreadful quagmire and instability. I am hereby looking at an imaginary blurred picture of the way the affairs of my beloved nation are being run by the so called 'honorable ministers' in our county and national governments. The subjects have been completely let down by the honorable ministers in terms of the performance agenda as it is outlined in the manifestos of their political parties. What the politicians promised during their campaign trails is quite different from what they have offered so far. They promised heaven but they have only been able to give the earth. During the campaign sessions, the politicians promised to kick-start real development programs which will go a long way towards the improvement of the general standards of living. Unfortunately, they have not fulfilled the promises they made. On the contrary, the politicians have only initiated meager development programs which have not made any impact.
 Instead, they have diverted their attention to personal projects and have made the hay for themselves while the sun shines. They have become so corrupt such that they do not even want to be spotted anywhere. They are driven in posh and luxurious cars which have tinted screens so that you will not be able to see them when they
are inside the cars. These gentlemen and as well as the ladies are haunted by their guilty conscience because of the way they have siphoned the country's finances through corruption. I
am tired and fed up.
I am looking at life from an individual stand-point. I have no power either socially, politically or economically to enable me revolutionize our nation's system of economic and financial management. I am not an influential man in any case, and I am not known beyond the parameters of my place of residence. My voice cannot be recognized by our top political, religious and business operatives. Even though I have tried so many times to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, my concerted efforts have been
unfruitful. The top guards in every sphere of our nation's operations have been insensitive and
unyielding to the cries and pleas of the ordinary man who has been devastated by the heavy taxation imposed upon him. The taxpayer has been panting and groaning
because of the different forms of taxes he pays to the existing authorities to keep the prominent fellows in their positions of leadership, comfortably. Even though no one knows me beyond the boundaries of our small village and the immediate city, I have resorted to use a very powerful weapon to shake and move
the minds of our leaders. At least, I have the opportunity of using the powerful weapon of the written word. 
By all means, I know very well that I cannot reach these fellows wherever they are and even if I were to reach them, they won't accord me any audience because of
my status in life. I have therefore decided to address them through the written word. I know that they have their electronic reading devices to access this content.
If they happen to be too busy such that they have no time to read, their personal aides can read and inform them about the sensitive things which are trending in this content.
My thoughts trouble me. My mind is restless and unsettled. My heart is swollen and delicate to the point of bursting. My eyes have seen things that are unexplainable. My ears have heard treacherous people uttering obscene words.
Everything around here is chaotic.
The people we so much trusted and thought that they would deliver good governance and leadership have become notable demagogues.
The politicians have become chaotic and unreliable. Church ministers have become chaotic andunreliable. Quite a good number of them have fleeced and misled the flock which they have been entrusted with by their Grandmaster, Jesus Christ. The church has become a very fertile ground for some false preachers who want to be rich overnight.  Some innocent and unsuspecting church members have lost their treasured fortunes because of trusting and committing themselves to the so called 'Men of God' who in the real sense are false preachers and false prophets.
These days, many of the radio stations have been flooded by some false preachers who promise their esteemed listeners great achievements, instant miracles, healing and prosperity. On the other hand, the national televisions have also been used by some wealthy but false prophets to hoodwink the viewers. Generally, there has been a lot of evident confusion among the church members. It has become very difficult for them to differentiate between the genuine and false preachers. Information from reliable resources indicate that some greedy and ambitious preachers have visited the dirty and wicked chambers of darkness in order to be charged with 'power' by the devil so that they can convince the innocent congregations that the miracles they perform actually come from Jesus Christ. 
Many Christians have given out some enormous chunks of their wealth after being promised overnight great miracles, by the so called 'mighty preachers' or 'mighty men of God.' Some uninformed women have attained the age of getting married but due to reasons beyond their understanding, they are still spinsters. Out of desperation and the deep desire for getting married, such women have been enticed and deceived by the so called 'men of God' that if they allow the 'men of God' to suck their breasts and accept to have 'soft ' sexual intercourse with the false preachers, then they will be able to get married to prominent men in the near future. All such malpractices have only been well crafted and fabricated lies of Satan because the young and needy ladies in question have only ended up in the realms of frustration and disillusionment. Common sense which sometimes becomes rare sense dictates to me that due to the pressures and pleasures of this short and unpredictable life, there are many people, both men and women who have wholly given their attention to the voices of their deceivers and finally they still dance to the dictates of the hoodwinkers. We are living in a world which is fully packed with persistent cares and needs, twenty four hours round the clock. As a result, life becomes chaotic and slippery. Some people do not want to face life's realities boldly. They want to live in their own imaginations and unrealistic expectations.
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