Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Rev. Dr. James Mbotela Syomuti, ThD, DD, PhD, is a Kenyan citizen and he lives in Kitui County, near Kitui Town. He is married to Anna and they have been blessed with six children, (four sons and two daughters.) All of their children are now adults and some of them are married. He is a pastor, a teacher, an artist, a writer of fiction and nonfiction, a poet, a humorist and he is also a prolific personal blogger (https://syomuti.blogspot.com). He has a deep passion for writing content. So far, he has written and published some ebooks with Smashwords Publishing Platform in USA. His published titles are; (1) The Maid (2) The Moving Mouth (3) The Virgin (4) The Drunkard. (5) The Soliloquist (One), (6) The Soliloquist (Two). (7) The Stranger & Other Poems. You can access the above books by visiting his site on the internet, by clicking https://syomuti.com He has taught students at different Secondary Schools in his home county for many years down the line. He is an approved Bible Skills Institute (BSI) trainer, a theological program of Every Home for Christ International, (HeadquartersThe Jericho Center, Colorado Springs, COUSA). He teaches church adults theological courses. On top of that, he teaches adults (physically), English Language. He is a born again Christian, a pastor and the Founder/Bishop of Siloam Worship Center International Ministries. You can access the church details online, by just writing and clicking the above underlined name, on the internet. He is an itinerant preacher, a radio preacher and a teacher of the Word of God. He has several certificates and diplomas in theology, from national and international Bible Schools. He has a certificate in Spiritual Life Development from Northwestern Christian University, in USA. Above all, he has honorary doctorate degrees of Doctor of Humanity (DH) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Prixton Church & University, in USA. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ministry Science, and honorary doctorate degrees of;Doctor of Achievement in Ministry Science, Master of Arts (MA) in Ministry Science, Doctor of Divinity (DD) in Ministry Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ministry Science, from Abide University, in USA.
In the Old Testament:
(1) TOPIC -/Theme-what do you want to teach your audience?
(2) SCRIPTURE REFERENCE -Quote the relevant Bible scripture(s).
(3) INTRODUCTION- Present a brief and good outline of your sermon.
(4) SERMON BODY- Give a full and a detailed account of your sermon.
(5) APPLICATION - Connect the message to the audience and how
it applies in their daily lives.
(6) CONCLUSION- Tell the audience how the message has blessed you.
(7) CLOSING PRAYER- Close your sermon with a prayer.
(1) Topic: Idolatry - its wickedness and the bitter consequences which accompany it.
(2) Scripture Reference Micah 1:1-16.
(3) Introduction: The name Micah means, "Who is like Jehovah?" He was a native of a town called Moresheth, in the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Micah was one of the Minor Prophets who was used by God during a time of national decadence to both Judah and Israel, the two wicked sister nations. This prophet was a contemporary of other two prophets, Isaiah and Hosea. Micah and Isaiah knew each other during their times of ministry. Although Micah's message was mainly directed to Judah the southern kingdom, he also addressed
Israel, the northern kingdom.
(4) Sermon Body - Micah was mainly used by God in the first instance to address the apostasy which was increasingly taking place in his home country, Judah. The people of Judah had indulged themselves into the worship of idols. Idol worship was practiced on mountain tops which were referred to as "high places." Whatever was going on in Judah, was still taking place concurrently in the northern kingdom of Israel. The idolatry practices of the two nations angered God greatly. Israel was the first nation to start worshiping idols and eventually the practice spread to the inhabitants of Judah. Due to Judah's waywardness, God vowed to punish her severely by allowing a tough, pagan and a foreign nation to invade her and take the citizens of Judah, including their young ones, as captives to Babylon.
(5) Application- As it was the case of Judah's evil devotion to idolatry, so it is today. Things have not changed as far as God's standards of expectation in worship are concerned. These days, there are church members who worship God and at the same time they worship other gods in secret. The living God wants us to worship Him only without any visible or hidden traces of syncretism.
(6) Conclusion - Deviation from true worship to God by any individual or nation angers Him and consequently God's punishment becomes inevitable. This message teaches me that I should be vigilant
against any traces of idolatry in my life.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I beseech you to help us as believers to live a life of holiness and practice true worship only to you and not to any other thing. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.
(1) Topic: Pride Begets Downfall
(2) Scripture Reference - Nahum 3: 1-12.
(3) Introduction- Nahum was in the class of the Minor Prophets. His name means "compassionate" or "full of comfort." The book of Nahum was written in a poetic tone. Nahum lived in Judah. His prophetic ministry was directed to Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria. Nahum was the second prophet used by God to deal with Nineveh, several years later after Prophet Jonah's ministry.
(4) Sermon Body- Prophet Nahum was used by God to speak against the evil practices of Nineveh. The Assyrians who lived in the city of Nineveh were wealthy. Assyria was the most powerful nation in the world, during Nahum's ministry. The Assyrians were proud because of their self sufficiency and military power. They oppressed, plundered and slaughtered the victims of the nations they conquered. The people
of Nineveh had repented their sin during the preaching of Jonah the
prophet. However, after generations, the same people relapsed to their original evil lifestyles. So, God used Nahum to address the issues of those wicked people. Nahum referred to Nineveh as a city of blood. The Assyrians were treacherous. They acquired their wealth through the plunder of other nations which had even
become their allies. The people of Nineveh were alluring and deep in
sorcery. Like a harlot, Nineveh had seduced other nations into false
friendships. When the other nations relaxed believing that they had
true friendship Nineveh pounced on them like a lion and destroyed
them. Their shrewdness angered God and therefore he purposed to
punish them.
(5) Application - Materialism, fame and power can easily be enticing and deceptive. The foregoing virtues can make an individual or a nation to nurturea notion of pride and an evil desire to terrorize or bully other less privileged people.
(6) Conclusion- We should not use our physical strength, education, intelligence or our financial power to oppress other people by either exploiting or plundering them.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to desist the abuse, or misuse of any physical, spiritual or intellectual endowment. Amen.
(1) Topic: Habakkuk's Complaints.
(2) Scripture Reference: Habakkuk 1:1-17.
(3) Introduction: Habakkuk was a minor prophet. This name means "the embraced one." To embrace is to hug, to put arms around someone. It is therefore prudent to conclude that there was an embracing touch between God and Habakkuk as God responded to his complaints (in chapters one and two of this book), because of the Babylonians' oppressive power against Judah.
(4) Sermon Body- God is always in control of the world despite the apparent domination and triumph of evil. Babylon was gradually becoming the dominant world power and Judah would feel the evil power of this ruthless pagan nation. Habakkuk wonders why the wicked people in Judah seemed to be winning in their wicked operations. He wondered why God was hesitating to punish them. Although God does not overlook sin, He has His due time to exact the right punishment. Going a notch higher, the Babylonians were also wicked and a dreaded nation. They were a law by themselves and
promoted their own honor. Comparatively, the Babylonians were more wicked than the people of Judah. Habakkuk was disheartened and concerned when he saw Babylonians destroying his
(5) Application -It is possible for a God fearing person to find himself in the midst of wicked people within his locality. To make the matters worse, the same man or woman of God may still find himself in the net of more wickedness from the people of other neighboring or distant nations. However, one should rest assured that regardless of the magnitude of wickedness, God will still swoop in, in good time to punish the people practicing such wickedness.
(6) Conclusion- This sermon has taught me a lesson that I should not wear myself out by worrying about the wicked people and their evil deeds because in God's due time, they will receive their share of
punishment commensurate to their deeds.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, let your Holy Spirit teach me your ways so that I do not follow the ways of wickedness. I reckon that you are a Holy God who hates sin. I would also like to imitate you in hating sin and instead I want to do your will only. In Jesus name I have prayed. Amen.
(1) Topic: Judah's Sin and the Impending Wrath.
(2) Scripture Reference- Zephaniah 1:1-13.
(3) Introduction: Zephaniah was a minor prophet. The name means "Jehovah protects," or "he whom Jehovah has hidden." Zephaniah was a native of Judah, the southern kingdom. His ministry was in force
during the reign of King Josiah. Zephaniah was a contemporary of
Jeremiah. The living God does not condone sin.
(4) Sermon Body- King Josiah of Judah was attempting to take the country back to idolatry, as it had been the case to his other two predecessors, King Manasseh and King Amon. The purpose of Zephaniah's message was to disband the people of Judah from their deceptive complacency. Complacency is a feeling of self contentment, when one is unaware of approaching trouble. The people of Judah were courting imminent destruction from the Lord because they had forsaken him. They worshiped Baal, Molech and the stars in heaven. Their priests mixed pagan practices with faith in God.
Therefore, God's punishment for their sin was gradually encroaching. The people were prosperous and they no longer cared about God. Their security and wealth made them complacent.
Zephaniah took the initiative of warning the people of Judah and
the beloved city of Jerusalem that they would be punished for their
sin although afterwards, God would bless them.
(5) Application - This message teaches us that there is always a ceaseless battle between good and evil. King Josiah who had made some reforms to mark a departure from idolatry was showing signs of relapse to the former evil lifestyle which had been upheld by his predecessors. It is possible for a God fearing man or a nation to relax and take life easy when there is security and wealth. As a result, the urge of ignoring God and dependence on prosperity brings spiritual drifting from God.
(6) Conclusion - This message has taught me a lesson that I should always be on guard against physical prosperity which can act as a snare in making a believer distance himself from God.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to remain faithful to you always so that I do not put my hope and trust in material things which are uncertain and short-lived. In Jesus name I have prayed. Amen.
(1) Topic: Rebuilding The Temple
(2) Scripture Reference-Haggai 1:14.
(3) Introduction: Haggai was in the class of Minor Prophets. Haggai means "my feast." He was used by God as a post-exile prophet to the people of Judah, after their return from captivity in Babylon. The temple had been destroyed by the Babylonians during their invasion of Jerusalem. God used Haggai to raise an alarm to the people of
Judah who had resumed their conventional life routine but had
neglected the rebuilding of the temple which had been in utter ruins for a considerable period of time.
(4) Sermon Body- Under normal circumstances, when God sees a matter which requires immediate attention, He uses an individual to act as His spokesman. That was the case of Haggai. God's temple in
Jerusalem was in a wanting state. The people living in Jerusalem
and those who had returned from exile had previously embarked on
rebuilding the temple but after some time, they abandoned the
activity. Due to that reason, God saw it fit to use Haggai to sound a
wake up call to the people to resume rebuilding God's house, the
symbol of his presence. God takes pleasure and honor in His house.
The people were more concerned with the fulfillment of their own
needs than doing God's will, and as a result, they suffered. After
Haggai's message, the LORD stirred the hearts of Zerubbabel the governor of Judah, Joshua the priest, and the remnant of the
people to return to the rebuilding work.
(5) Application - We should give God the first priority in our lives. God wants us to be actively involved in his work. It is important that we strive to excel in doing divine assignments which the Lord has bestowed upon us. Above all, we should not dilly-dally or show any visible signs of indifference towards God's work.
(6) Conclusion- Although God has given us opportunities to do our own works which are human oriented, He expects us to devote our time, concentration, energy and all the resources within our disposal in serving Him.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I reckon that although you have given me different tasks to perform in order to make my physical life enjoyable, I need to be equally devoted in doing your work according to your will. So, help me. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.
(1) Topic: Not by Might Nor by Power.
(2) Scripture Reference: Zechariah 4:6-10.
(3) Introduction: Zechariah was still another Minor Prophet in the line up. The name Zechariah
means "Jehovah remembers." Zechariah was a contemporary of
Haggai and their assignments were similar. His principle assignment was to arouse the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of God, and to prepare themselves for the Messianic age which was approaching. Zechariah's prophecy was particularlydirected to the Jews in Jerusalem who had returned from their captivity in Babylon.
(4) Sermon Body- The Jews had returned from exile in Babylon and somehow started the work of rebuilding the temple. However, in the course of time, they stalled the rebuilding exercise. Zerubbabel the governor of Judah was actively involved to ensure that the rebuilding task was carried out well. Zechariah acted as a source of encouragement. Even though the rebuilding of the temple had its own potential challenges, Zerubbabel didn't give up. His hands had laid the foundation of the temple and his hands would still bring it to completion. Accomplishment of any worthwhile assignment is not necessarily through experience and expertise, but through the divine enablement of the Holy Spirit.)
(5) Application - Even when there are apparent forces working against us in any good assignment that we are doing, we should not be discouraged or scared. We only need to depend on the Holy Spirit to enable us achieve our intended goal.
(6) Conclusion- I have learnt that challenges in whatever good thing I am doing can creep in. Nevertheless, I should not lose the sight of my vision because of the raging storms. No matter how small a beginning may seem to be, I need to remember that great things begin from humble beginnings.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, help me so that I do not lean on my own understanding or despise small things which you have given me to deal with, but instead depend on the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(1) Topic: The Priests Reprimanded.
(2) Scripture Reference: Malachi 2: 1-9.
(3) Introduction: Malachi is the last prophet who draws the curtain of the Major and the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. The name Malachi means, "My Messenger." Malachi served as the last Old Testament prophet to Judah.
(4) Sermon Body- Malachi was used by God to address the priests and the declining standards of their performance in serving God. The priests had ceased honoring God as they had done previously. This trend of deviation from the expected standards of their performance angered God. The Lord expected the priests to uphold the true standards and the virtues he had given to the Levites. The priests had departed from teaching the truth to the people of God and as a result, many people had been misled. This displeased God and He vowed to curse them and make them be despised by their followers.
(5) Application - God's ministers have been called by God to serve him faithfully especially in teaching His people the truth about Him at all times, without wavering or showing signs of decline or compromise in their noble calling. Therefore, whether times and situations change, God doesn't change. His ministers should also emulate His character by ensuring that the true gospel is preached.
(6) Conclusion- An important lesson for us to learn is that all God's ministers are His messengers who should be equipped with knowledge and sound instruction so that people can consult them to know God's will.
(7) Closing Prayer- Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I reckon that I am your servant wherever I am and I must represent you truthfully at all times by teaching your word and preaching sound gospel to your people without compromise. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.
You can contact me through; Email:syomuti@gmail.com or jambsy@yahoo.com 
Mobile:+254724649652 or +254718776259 
Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jamesmbotela.syomuti.7 Twitter:https://twitter.com/jambsy@yahoo.com 

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